Tuesday 3 January 2012


RIP Ronald Searle, the genius cartoonist behind St Trinian's.

He was also the illustrator of the "Molesworth" books that brightened my childhood, Down with Skool! and Back in the Jug Again.

"The subtitle to Down with Skool! is 'A Guide to School Life for Tiny Pupils and Their Parents', and we are introduced to headmasters, other masters, matrons, lessons, sports, parents, skool food ('the piece of cod which passeth understanding') and so on. They are the bad things. 'The only good things about skool are the BOYS wizz who are noble brave fearless etc. although you hav various swots, bullies, sissies, milksops greedy guts and oiks with whom i am forced to mingle hem-hem.'" Down with Skool! on Amazon
Another sad loss.

Ronald Searle obituary in The Guardian

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