Monday 21 January 2013

Charo's friend is a cow

It's cold, it's snowing, it's miserable. We managed to get to and from Brighton to see Madame Arcati's family despite every obstacle being put in our path on Saturday. Now begins another epic battle, as we try and rouse something resembling enthusiasm to leave the warmth and comfort of home for yet another week in work...

Never mind, at least we have a well-deserved week's holiday in Spain to look forward to - and there are only another two weeks to go!

With that joyful thought in mind, and to brighten up our lives on this Tacky Music Monday, here's the ever-wonderful Charo (who celebrated her 62nd birthday last week) and her plea to her homeland to Dance, Don't Bullfight!:

Charo apparently adopted little Manolo, but has had to give him up, as her neighbours complained.

Charo official website

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